Website quality, e-commerce, customer satisfaction, structural equation modellingAbstract
In the contemporary highly competitive e-business market, organization’s success depends on satisfaction and loyalty of its customers. Whereas the differentiation of the determinants and their impact on customer satisfaction in different countries exists, the research aims at developing a model of website quality-based e-commerce customer satisfaction index. While achieving the aim of the article, the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature is provided. Furthermore, quantitative research and the analysis of the research results by means of principle component analysis, structural equation modelling using partial least squares path modelling methodology, and Importance-Performance matrix are applied. As a research result, the model of website quality-based e-commerce customer satisfaction index is elaborated. Latter model indicates the factors, which are worth investments in order to gain customer satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, not profitable investments might be avoided, which could contribute to the growing competitiveness of e-business.
JEL Codes - M310, M390References
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