About the Journal


Online Submission

On behalf of the editorial board of the Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, we are pleased to inform you that we are continuously accepting manuscripts for the next issues.

The Journal, founded in 1954, is published four times a year (in March, June, September, and December), under the sponsorship of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, the oldest higher education institution in Romania, a place of excellence and innovation in education and research established in 1860. Until 2015 the journal was published under the name Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe economice.

The journal is indexed by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) Web of Science Core Collection – Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, EBSCO and EconLit (The American Economic Association’s electronic bibliography), is fully available at the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ERIH PLUS, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), and Scirus. In addition, the Journal is included in Cabell's Directories, Index Copernicus, Online Catalogue of the ZBW - German National Library of Economics (ECONIS), International Consortium for Advancement of Academic Publication (ICAAP), Electronic Journals Library, The Knowledge Base Social Sciences in Eastern Europe, Scientific Commons, The ZDB, Intute: Social Science (SOSIG - Social Science Information Gateway), New Jour, GESIS SocioGuide, Genamics Journalseek, Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici (ACNP), Google Scholar, and ResearchGate.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts to be reviewed for possible publication in the Journal. It publishes articles in all areas of economics, business and related disciplines. The paper must be an original unpublished work written in English (British or American) that is not currently under review by other journals.

There are no submission or publication costs for authors.

Manuscripts should follow the format style of the journal. The papers should not exceed 30 pages including figures and references, and an author is only allowed to publish one paper per issue. Detailed background information on the submission of papers and review process can be found in the Submission section.

The manuscripts are to be submitted electronically, via Journal’s website, which offers a fully online manuscript submission and tracking system. Following submission, the author(s) track and check the latest status of the article quite easily by the help of the system.

Submitted manuscripts will receive an initial screening from the editorial board before entering the double-blind review process. The Journal maintains a rapid electronic submission, review and publication process. On average, the double-blind review process (from submission to first editor decision) takes around 12 weeks and from acceptance to appearance online around 2-4 weeks.

Accepted papers will be available on the journal website soon after acceptance, in a special section, Early Bird. This “advance access” system enables us to publish papers online well ahead of their appearance in the printed journal. It also allows authors to obtain citations earlier, due to the use of 'Digital Object Identifier' (DOI).

Type of publication: scientific/academic; open access, peer-reviewed journal.

Publication frequency: four issues per year (March, June, September, and December)

Language: English

Current Issue

Vol. 71 No. 2 (2024)
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