See Now, Buy Now Model: A Passport to Fashion Brand Equity
See Now, Buy Now model, fashion marketing, brand equity, fashion immediacy, fashion industryAbstract
In a market accentuated by globalization and digital consolidation, high fashion brands start to rethink the way of producing, communicating and distributing their supply, adopting the See Now, Buy Now (SNBN) model to guarantee the possibility of instant gratification. Literature has been scarce concerning SNBN as a new paradigm of contemporary fashion, more particularly, in what concerns its relationship with brand equity. This study seeks to identify the critical variables of SNBN and analyze its feasibility in production and consumption of fashion. It has applied a mixed and sequential methodology. The Portuguese case is worth analysing because of its similarities with countries where the fashion and creative industries' role is still uncertain, but still often mentioned and talked about. The results suggested that there is a positive relation between its adoption and brand equity – in particular a more hybrid strategy of adoption, considering its risks and investments.
JEL Codes - M11; M30; M31; O14; 021References
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