marketing in culture, cultural institutions, unconventional marketing, guerrilla marketingAbstract
Unconventional marketing has the potential to contribute not only to the well-being of cultural institutions but also to the society by raising its general cultural level and fostering economic growth based on creative industries. This paper contributes to the theoretical explanation and understanding of the unconventional marketing approach by providing an overview of literature, a developed model of successful marketing in cultural institutions and an analysis of the objectives of such marketing. Based on empirical research on cultural institutions in the Republic of Croatia, the research objective was to contribute to identifying and understanding the factors that influence unconventional marketing as well as the potential for applying unconventional marketing in cultural institutions. Research was limited to three types of cultural institutions (theatres, museums and galleries) and it was conducted on a sample of 244 institutions by using a highly structured online questionnaire.
JEL Codes - M31References
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