Overall Equipment Effectiveness within Counterfactual Impact Evaluation Concept


  • Žaneta Rylková
  • Karel Stelmach
  • Petr Vlček




CIE, OEE, production process, business evaluation


Counterfactual impact evaluation (CIE) is a scientific quantitative approach mainly based on experiments and quasi experiments. CIE is trying to prove a causal relationship between outputs and outcomes. CIE does not take into account coherence of external incentives of companies with internal incentives that have or may have an impact on the behaviour of enterprises. The paper sets up internal evaluation indicators for businesses, counterfactuals useful for creating a more complex metrics evaluating businesses in the area of performance. The aim of the paper is to present model situation using the elementary principle of counterfactual impact evaluation based on “the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)”.

JEL Codes - M11; M21; M29


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How to Cite

Rylková, Žaneta, Stelmach, K., & Vlček, P. (2017). Overall Equipment Effectiveness within Counterfactual Impact Evaluation Concept. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 64(SI), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.1515/saeb-2017-0037