Influence of Main Macroeconomic Factors on the Level of Employment on Different Size Enterprises – The Evidence from the Sector of Transportation and Storage


  • Elena Mielcova



small and medium-sized enterprises, large enterprises, macroeconomic factors, employment levels


The main aim of this paper is to verify the hypothesis that the shift in levels of main macroeconomic variables – in this case in levels of GDP and exports – cause shift of employment levels in private sector, and this change is different for smaller enterprises than for “big players”. Calculated estimation will be presented on data from the sector of transportation and storage for four countries – the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia for the period 2005-2014, which cover the economic crisis in 2008. Countries were selected such that they cover both highly developed countries (Germany and Austria) and former Eastern Bloc countries (Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia) of the European Union placed in the close geographic area. Expected results would show different trends in employment levels for different types of enterprises in all countries.

JEL Codes - J21; E24


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How to Cite

Mielcova, E. (2017). Influence of Main Macroeconomic Factors on the Level of Employment on Different Size Enterprises – The Evidence from the Sector of Transportation and Storage. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 64(SI), 71–83.