Piracy Revisited: Exploring Music Users in the Age of Technology Dependency


  • Manuel Cuadrado-García
  • María José Miquel-Romero
  • Juan D. Montoro-Pons




recorded music, downloading, purchase, segmentation, fuzzy analysis


This paper empirically investigates and characterizes users of recorded music, both downloaders and purchasers. To this end we analyse the role of the variables defining the different segments of music users. In doing so, we have considered two main traits influencing the use of music. First, objective variables such as demographics, music consumption habits, music genres and technology. Second, subjective variables such as motives and attitudes towards piracy. Using data from a personal survey, subsequent latent class and fuzzy analyses show that while the former characteristics are relevant in those getting music for free from the Internet, the latter don´t pay any special part, contrary to what literature had suggested. Specifically, we find evidence of age, gender, technology, and genre of music confirming previous studies carried out on this topic before the existing gap in the literature. However, there is no evidence of these variables defining patterns of purchase behaviour.

JEL Codes - M300; M310


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How to Cite

Cuadrado-García, M., Miquel-Romero, M. J., & D. Montoro-Pons, J. (2019). Piracy Revisited: Exploring Music Users in the Age of Technology Dependency. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 66(Special issue - dedicated to the VIII Wo), 25–35. https://doi.org/10.47743/saeb-2019-0019

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