Financial Literacy Perception Scale for the Portuguese Population


  • Fernando Oliveira Tavares
  • Eulália Santos



financial literacy, financial education, financial learning, financial decisions, financial welfare


This study aims to propose and validate a financial literacy perception scale for the Portuguese population. The utilized methodology was quantitative, based on a two-part questionnaire survey. The first part studies the sociodemographic profile and the second part evaluates the respondent's perception of financial literacy. The sample consisted of 830 Portuguese individuals, over 18 years old. The main results of this study demonstrate that the financial literacy perception scale presents a tri-factorial structure with satisfactory validity and reliability levels. The three obtained factors are 1-2 years financial planning and goals, long term savings and an affinity for numerical calculation. This study contributes to the increase of scientific knowledge in the field of financial literacy, to the assistance of financial education policymakers in the reformulation of their policies and to the creation of tools to help consumer financial behavior.

JEL Codes - G02; G11; G20


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How to Cite

Tavares, F. O., & Santos, E. (2020). Financial Literacy Perception Scale for the Portuguese Population. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 67(2), 277–290.




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