We are pleased to present to the readers of the Scientific Annals of Economic and Business (SAEB) this special issue, dedicated to the widely recognized field of study of cultural economics and management. The articles that you will find are the result of the efforts of a group of researchers from universities and research centers in Europe and America, dedicated to this discipline. The majority -five of seven- of the contributions were presented at the VIII Workshop on Cultural Economics and Management (8WCEM), organized by the research group on Economic Analysis and Political Economy of the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) on March 2018. The articles stand out for their theoretical and empirical quality, and for the use of methodological approaches and databases that confer originality and innovative results. We also want to highlight the different levels of analysis (cities, regions, individuals/consumers, companies, festivals) of the works, and the effort of their authors to offer a framework of comparative analysis, not infrequently connected with macro processes such as globalization, economic crises and their impacts on the cultural sector.
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